G.10.1KD.9.1 SIr dowell dwellythe quod wytt noght a day hence
G.10.2KD.9.2 In a castell þat kynde made off fouvr kynnes thynges
G.10.3KD.9.3 off yerthe & eyre ys ytt made meydeled to-gedders
G.10.4KD.9.4 wyth wynd & wyth watre wytterlye enIoygnede
G.10.5KD.9.5 kynd hathe closed þerynne craftylye wyth-all
G.10.6KD.9.6 a lemman þat he louvethe lyke to hym-seluve
G.10.7KD.9.7 anima she hatte but enuvye hyr hatethe
G.10.8KD.9.8 a prouvde prycker off france princeps huius mundi //
G.10.9KD.9.9 & wold wynne hyr a-way wyth wyles yff he myght
G.10.10KD.9.10 but kynd knowethe hyr well & kepethe hyr þe bettre
G.10.11KD.9.11 & hathe done hyr wyth syr dowell duvke off thes merches
G.10.12KD.9.12 dobetter ys hys damosell syr dowelles doghter
G.10.13KD.9.13 to seruve hyr ladye leally bothe late & rathe
G.10.14KD.9.14 dobest ys a-bouve bothe a bysshopes pere
G.10.15KD.9.15 that he byddethe movste be done he reuvlethe þem all
G.10.16KD.9.16 anima þat ladye ys ladde by hys lernyng
G.10.17KD.9.17 but þe constable off that castell þat kepethe all þe wacche
G.10.18KD.9.18 ys a wysse knyght wyth-all syr In-wytt he hatte
G.10.19KD.9.19 & hathe fyuve fayre sones by hys fyrste wyffe
G.10.20KD.9.20 syr se well & sey well & here well the hende
G.10.21KD.9.21 syr worche well wyth thye hande a wyght man off strenght
G.10.22KD.9.22 & syr godfray go well / greyte lordys for-sothe
G.10.23KD.9.23 thes fy
uve be sett to sa
uve þis ladye
aG.10.23: The deletion of <a> results from a failure to recognise the need for a change of ink.anima
G.10.24KD.9.24 tyll kynd come or send to sauven hyr for euer
G.10.25KD.9.25 what thyng ys kynd quod I canste þou me tell
G.10.26KD.9.26 kynd quod wytt ys a cratouvrcr[e]atour alloff all kynnes thynges
G.10.27KD.9.27 fader & formouvr off all / þat euer were maked
G.10.28KD.9.28 and that ys þe greyte god / þat gynnyng had neuer
G.10.29KD.9.29 lord off lyfe & off lyght / off blysse & off payne
G.10.30KD.9.30 angell
es & all
thyngesG.10.30: G uses thynges rather than the old uninflected plural þing (found in all other manuscripts). See Introduction III.1.1. are att hys wyll
G.10.31KD.9.31 but man ys hym most lyke off marke & off
shapepeG.10.31: The G Cr C C2 reading "shape" (for most B manuscripts schafte) is also the reading of all A manuscripts except Ma, H and A, and is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. C2 originally shared the majority reading, but this has been corrected to schape in a different ink.
G.10.32KD.9.32 for thruvgh þe worde þat he spake wexen forthe bestes
G.10.33KD.9.33α dixit et facta sunt //et cetera //
G.10.34KD.9.34 and made man lykest to hym-seluve one
G.10.35KD.9.35 and euve off hys rybbe boone wythe-owten any meane
G.10.36KD.9.36 for he was syng
uvler hym
uve & seyde
faciamusG.10.36: The bar is missing from the <f> of faciamus.
G.10.37KD.9.37 as wo sey more moste þerto then my worde oone
G.10.38KD.9.38 my myght myght helpe now wyth my speche
G.10.39KD.9.39 ryght as lord shuolde make letters & hym lacked perchement
G.10.40KD.9.40 thogh he couvld wryte neuer so well yff he had no penne
G.10.41KD.9.41 þe letter for all þe lordshyppe I leuve / were neuer maked
G.10.42KD.9.42 so ytt semethe by hym as þe boke tellethe
G.10.43KD.9.43 there he seyethe
dixit et facta sunt et ceteraG.10.43: M originally shared the majority reading sunt, but & cetera has been added in a different hand and in a different ink, bringing the M reading into line with that of G and Y. //
G.10.44KD.9.44 he most worche wyth hys worde & hys wytt shewe
G.10.45KD.9.45 & In þis maner was man made trhruvgh myght off god almyghtye
G.10.46KD.9.46 wyth hys worde & workemanshyppe & wyth lyffe to laste
G.10.47KD.9.47 & þus god gaffe hym a goste off þe godheyde off heyuven
G.10.48KD.9.48 & off hys greate grace grauvnted hym blysse
G.10.49KD.9.49 & þat ys lyffe þat euer shall laste to all lynages after
G.10.50KD.9.50 & þat b ys the castell þat kynde made caro ytt hyghte
G.10.51KD.9.51 and a ys as moche to meane as man wythe a souvle
G.10.52KD.9.52 & þat he wroght wyth werke & wyth worde bothe
G.10.53KD.9.53 thruvgh myght off þe magestee man was maked
G.10.54KD.9.54 Inwytt & all wyttes closed be therynne
G.10.55KD.9.55 for louve off þe ladye anima þat lyffe ys y-neuenvedy-neue[n]ed
G.10.56KD.9.56 ouer all In mannes bodye he walkethe & wanderethe
G.10.57KD.9.57 but In þe herte ys hyr home / & hyr most rest
G.10.58KD.9.58 but Inwytt ys yn þe heyde / & to þe herte he lokethe
G.10.59KD.9.59 whatt anima ys leuve or lothe he lett hyr at hys wylle
G.10.60KD.9.60 for after þe grace off god þe greatest ys Inwytte
G.10.61KD.9.61 moche wo worthe þat man þat mysruvlethe hys Inwytt
G.10.62KD.9.62 and þat be glotons globbers theyr god ys theyre wombe
G.10.63KD.9.62α quorum deus venter est et cetera //
G.10.64KD.9.63 for þei seruven sathan theyre souvles shall he hauve
G.10.65KD.9.64 that lyuven synfull lyffe here theyre souvle ys lyke þe deuvelle
G.10.66KD.9.65 and all þat lyuven good lyffe are lyke to god almyghty
G.10.67KD.9.65α qui manet In caritate In deo manet et cetera //
G.10.68KD.9.66 alas þat drynke shall fordeford[o] þat god dere a-bouoghte
G.10.69KD.9.67 and doythe god forsaken theym þat he shope to hys lykenes
G.10.70KD.9.67α amen dico vobis nescio vos et alibi
et dimisi eos secundum disederia & ceteraG.10.70: The two rubricated lines are bracketed together in red on the right.
G.10.71KD.9.68-69 Foles þat fauvten Inwytt I fynd þat holy chuvrche
G.10.72KD.9.70 sholde fynden theym þat theym fauvtethe & faderles chyldren
G.10.73KD.9.71 & wydowes þat hauve noght wheron to wynnen þeir foode
G.10.74KD.9.72 madde men & meydens þat helples were
G.10.75KD.9.73 all þes lacken In
-wytt & loore
by-houvenG.10.75: The -en ending of G byhouen means that G's verb must be plural, whereas the verb as it appears in the majority of B manuscripts (bihoueth) could be either singular or plural. See the Kane and Donaldson reading [hem] bihoueþ, which interprets the verb as singular and impersonal.
G.10.76KD.9.74 Off þis mattyer I myghte make a longe tale
G.10.77KD.9.75 & fynd
fellG.10.77: For G's treatment of fele (the reading of the remaining B manuscripts), here appearing as G fell, see note to G.4.349. wyttnes amonge þe fo
uvre doctors
G.10.78KD.9.76 & þat I lye not (off þat I leere þe) luvke beyryth wyttnes
G.10.79KD.9.77 godfadre & godmodre þat sene theyr god-chyldrene
G.10.80KD.9.78 & myssease & mysscheffe & mowe þem amende
G.10.81KD.9.79 shall hauve pennvancepen[n]ance In puvrgatorye but þei þem helpe
G.10.82KD.9.80 For more longer to þe lytull barne er he þe lawe knowe
G.10.83KD.9.81 þen neuenvyngneue[n]yng off a name & he neuer þe wyser
G.10.84KD.9.82 shuolde no crystyen creatuvre cryen att þe gate
G.10.85KD.9.83 ne fayle payne & potage / & prelates dyd as þei shuolde
G.10.86KD.9.84 a Iewe wold noght seen a Iewe go Iangle for defauvte
G.10.87KD.9.85 for all þe movebleys In þis worlde & he amend ytt myght
G.10.88KD.9.86 alas þat a crystyen creatouvre shalbeshal be vnkynd to an-other
G.10.89KD.9.87 sythen Iewes þat we Iuvggen Iuvdas felowes
G.10.90KD.9.88 eyther off theym helpethe other off þat þat theym nedythe
G.10.91KD.9.89 wye nyll we crystyen off crystes goode be as kynde
G.10.92KD.9.90 as Iewes þat beene our loores men shame to vs all
G.10.93KD.9.91 they comeG.10.93: G's reading, they come, for the majority reading Þe comune, probably results in part from the scribe's use of the as a weak form of "they" (see, e.g., G.6.150, G.6.195, G.12.235). thrugh for þeir vnkyndnes I drede me shall abye
G.10.94KD.9.92 bysshopes shalbeshal be blamed for beggers saake
G.10.95KD.9.93 he ys wors þen Iuvdas that gyuvethe Iapers beggers syluver
G.10.96KD.9.94 & byd þe beggers go for hys brooke clothes
G.10.97KD.9.94α proditor est prelatus cum Iuda qui patrimonium cristi
minus distribuit: et alibi : perniciosus dispensator
est qui res pauperum Invtiliter consummitG.10.97: The rubricated lines are bracketed together in red on the right.
G.10.98KD.9.95 he doythe not well þat doyethe þus & ne dredethe not god almyghty
G.10.99KD.9.96 ne louvethe nat salomones sawes that sapyence taght
G.10.100KD.9.96α Inicium sapientie timor domini //
G.10.101KD.9.97-98 G.10.101: G shares the reading of this line with remaining β4 manuscripts (except that all these apart from G read & þou doste wel for G doest well). The remaining B manuscripts have a two-line version.drede god for lo
uve doest well / but not for venIange & þ
ou doest bett
G.10.102KD.9.99 thow doest best yff þou wythdrawe by day & by nyght
G.10.103KD.9.100 to spyll any speche or any space off tyme
G.10.104KD.9.100α qui offendit In vno In omnibus est reus : //
G.10.105KD.9.101 lesyng off tyme trewthe wootethe þe sothe
G.10.106KD.9.102 ys most hated on yerthe off theym þat be In heyuven
G.10.107KD.9.103 & sythe to spyll speche þat spyre ys off grace
G.10.108KD.9.104 and godes gleeman & a game off heyuven
G.10.109KD.9.105 wold neuer þe faythfull fadre / hys fythyll were vntempered
G.10.110KD.9.106 now ys gleeman a geydelyng & a goer to tauernes
G.10.111KD.9.107 to all trewe tydymen that trauvell desyren
G.10.112KD.9.108 our lorde louvethe theym & lent louvde other styll
G.10.113KD.9.109 grace to go to theym / & agon theyr leyuvelode
G.10.114KD.9.109α Inquirentes autem deum non minienturmin[u]entur omni bono .//
G.10.115KD.9.110 trew wedded lyuvyng folke In thys worlde ys dowell
G.10.116KD.9.111 for þei mote worche & wynne & þe worlde suvsteyne
G.10.117KD.9.112 for off theyr kynde they cam / þat confessouvr be neuenvedneue[n]ed
G.10.118KD.9.113 kynges & knyghtes kaysers & chuvrles
G.10.119KD.9.114 meydens & martoers owte off a man came
G.10.120KD.9.115 þe wyffe was made þe way for to helpe to worche
G.10.121KD.9.116 & þus was wedlocke wroght wythe a meane persone
G.10.122KD.9.117 Fyrst by þe faders wyll & þe freendes counseyle
G.10.123KD.9.118 & sythe by assente off theym-selfe as þei two myght acorde
G.10.124KD.9.119 & þus was wedlocke wroght god hym-selffe ytt made
G.10.125KD.9.120 In yerthe þe hey
uven ys hym
uve was þe wyttnes
G.10.125: The corrector appears to have altered the last letter of wyttnes to <ce> and then changed his mind and altered it back again.
G.10.126KD.9.121 but falsce folke faytheles theuves & lyers
G.10.127KD.9.122 wasters & wrecches owte off wedlocke I trowe
G.10.128KD.9.123 conceyuved be In euvell tyme as chayme was on euve
G.10.129KD.9.125 off suoyche synfull shrewes þe sauvter makethe mynde
G.10.130KD.9.125α concepit In dolore et peperit Iniquitatem ://
G.10.131KD.9.126 & all þat came off þat kayme cam to euell ende
G.10.132KD.9.127 for god send to seem & seyd by an angell
G.10.133KD.9.128 thyn yssuve In thyn yssuve I wyll þat þei be wedded
G.10.134KD.9.129 & nat þi kynd wyth kaymes couvpled ne spouvsed
G.10.135KD.9.130 yet some ageyne þe sond off ouvr sauvyouvr off heyuven
G.10.136KD.9.131 kaymes kynd & hys kynd couvpled to-gedders
G.10.137KD.9.132 tyll god wratthed wyth þeir workes & suoyche a worde sayde
G.10.138KD.9.133 that I maked man nowe me ytt forthynkethe
G.10.139KD.9.133α penetet me fecisse hominem & cetera.//
G.10.140KD.9.134 & cam to noye a-non & badde hym noght lett
G.10.141KD.9.135 swythe go shape a shyp off shydes & off boordes
G.10.142KD.9.136 thye-selfe & þi thre sones & sythen youvr wyuves
G.10.143KD.9.137 boske you to that boot
G.10.143: For the alteration of boote to bootte, see note to G.9.30. & bydythe y
eeG.10.143: As far as "ye" is concerned, the G scribe's usual practice means that superscript <e> implies a preceding thorn whereas an
inline <e> implies a preceding <y>. The correction here therefore brings G's reading into line with that of the majority
of B manuscripts (i.e. ȝe). See also note to G.3.118. therynne
G.10.144KD.9.138 tyll fortye
G.10.144: The <y> of fortye has been re-outlined in black ink. dayes be f
uvllfylled þ
at floode ha
uve y
G.10.145KD.9.139 cleane a-way þe couvrsed bloode þat kame hath maked
G.10.146KD.9.140 beystes þat now be shall banne the tyme
G.10.147KD.9.141 þ
at eu
er cuvrsedG.10.147: The majority of A version manuscripts share the G Hm reading "cursed," which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read þat cursed. kayem cam on thys yerthe
G.10.148KD.9.142 all shall dye for hys dedes by dales & by hylles
G.10.149KD.9.143 & þe fowles þat flyen forthe wyth other beestes
G.10.150KD.9.144 excepte onlyche off yche kynd a couvple
G.10.151KD.9.145 þ
at In þi syngled
G.10.150: Given the occasional use of forms with <s> for <sh> in G (see Introduction III.4.1), it seems unlikely that syngled (for remaining manuscripts shyngled) is a lexical variant . shyppe shall beene y
G.10.152KD.9.146 ther boght þe barne þe belsyre gyltes
G.10.153KD.9.147 & all for þeir fornefadres þei farden the worsce
G.10.154KD.9.148 þe gospell ys þer-agayne In on degre I fynde
G.10.155KD.9.149 filius non portabit Iniquitatem patris et pater non & cetera. //
G.10.156KD.9.150 but I fynd yff þe fadre be falsce & a shrewe
G.10.157KD.9.151 þat somedeale þe sone shall hauve the syres tacches
G.10.158KD.9.152 ympe off a eller & yff thyne appuvll be swete
G.10.159KD.9.153 moche meruveyle me thynkethe & more off a shrewe
G.10.160KD.9.154 that bryngethe forthe any barne but he be the same
G.10.161KD.9.155 and hauve a sauvouvr after þe syre seylde seest þou other
G.10.162KD.9.155α nunquam colligimus de spinis vuas nec de tribulis ficus .//
G.10.163KD.9.156 & þus thruvgh cuvrsed kayem cam care vp-on yerthe
G.10.164KD.9.157 & all for they wroght wedlocke ageynst goddes wyll
G.10.165KD.9.158 forthy ha
uve þei ma
G.10.165: At this point, β4 manuscripts lack "of/for their marriages."& so maryen theyre chylder
G.10.166KD.9.159 for some as I see nowe sothe for to tell
G.10.167KD.9.160 for couvetyse off catell vnkyndly be weddyd
G.10.168KD.9.161 a carefull co
nG.10.168: G's original spelling of the suffix of "conception" was presumably -youn. comythe off s
uoyche maryeges
G.10.169KD.9.162 as befell to þe folke as I before off tolde
G.10.170KD.9.163 for good shulde wed goode thogh they no goode had
G.10.171KD.9.164 I am via et veritas seyeth cryste I may auvaunce all
G.10.172KD.9.165 ytt ys an vncomely couvple by cryste as me thynkethe
G.10.173KD.9.166 to gyuven a yonge wenche to an old feble
G.10.174KD.9.167 or wedden any wydowe for welthe
G.10.174: The <h> and the <e> of welthe have been rewritten, apparently because the originals were very faint (they are only just visible). There does not appear
to be any alteration here and the hand appears to be that of the original scribe. off hyr goodes
G.10.175KD.9.168 that neuer shall barne beyre but ytt be In armes
G.10.176KD.9.170 many a pairyre sythe þe pestylence hauve plyght þem to-geddres
G.10.177KD.9.171 þe fruvte þat they bryng forthe are fouvle wordes
G.10.178KD.9.169 In Ielosye IoyeslesIoyeles Iangelyng In bedde
G.10.179KD.9.172 hauve þei no chyldren but chest & choppyng theym betwene
G.10.180KD.9.173 & thogh they do theym to donmowe but þe deuvell helpe
G.10.181KD.9.174 to folowen after þe flycche / fecche they ytt neuer
G.10.182KD.9.175 & but þei bothe be forsworne that bakon they tyne
G.10.183KD.9.176 forthy I couvnseyle all crystyen couveyte not be wedded
G.10.184KD.9.177 for couvetyse off catell ne off kyndred ryche
G.10.185KD.9.178 but meydens & meydens mache you to-geddres
G.10.186KD.9.179 wydowes & wydoers worchethe the same
G.10.187KD.9.180 for no land
es but for lo
G.10.187: The form of the <l> of "love" at first sight suggests a capital, but in fact it simply corresponds to the lower case form
of this letter as used in the rubricated sections. See, e.g., the second letter of alterius at G.6.273 (f.20r). The G scribe does sometimes use the more formal script in the non-rubricated passages, for no evident purpose. See, e.g.,
the first letter of beyte at the top of f.22v (G.6.456). loke ye be wedded
G.10.188KD.9.181 and þen gett ye þe grace off god & good ynoghe to lyuve wyth
G.10.189KD.9.182 and euery maner seculer that may not contynewe
G.10.190KD.9.183 wysely go wedde & warre þe fro synne
G.10.191KD.9.184 for leychery In lokyng ys a lymeyarde off hell
G.10.192KD.9.185 wyle þou art yong & thye weypen kene
G.10.193KD.9.186 wreke þe wyth wyvyng yff þou wylt beene excuvsed
G.10.194KD.9.186α cum sis vir fortis ne des tua robera scortis
G.10.195KD.9.186β scribitur in portis meretrix est Ianua mortisG.10.195: The two rubricated lines are bracketed in red on the right.
G.10.196KD.9.187 when ye hauve wyved beware & worche In tyme
G.10.197KD.9.188 noght as adam & euve when kayem was Ingendred
G.10.198KD.9.189 for In vntyme trewly betwene man & woman
G.10.199KD.9.190 ne shuold no bouvrde In bed be but yff þei bothe were cleane
G.10.200KD.9.191 bothe off lyfe & off souvle & In perfytt charyte
G.10.201KD.9.192 þat ylke derne dede do no man ne sholde
G.10.202KD.9.193 but yff þei leyden
þisG.10.202: For the G scribe's use of "this" for remaining manuscripts "thus," see note to G.4.76. theyre lyfe yt lykethe god almyghty
G.10.203KD.9.194 for he made wedlocke fuvrste & hym-seluve ytt seyde
G.10.204KD.9.194α bonum est vt vnuusvnusquisqueG.10.204: Kane and Donaldson record 8 minims between the <v> and the <s> of vnuus; in fact there are only 6. vxorem suam habeat propter fornicationem
G.10.205KD.9.195 & þei that other-gates be getten for gedelynges beene holden
G.10.206KD.9.196 as falsce folke / fondlynges faytouvrs & lyers
G.10.207KD.9.197 vngracyouvse to gett good or louve off the poeple
G.10.208KD.9.198 wandren & wast what þei cacche mowe
G.10.209KD.9.199 ageynst dowell þei do elu euvell & þe deuvell seruve
G.10.210KD.9.200 & after þer deyd day shall dwell wyth the same
G.10.211KD.9.201 but god gyuve þem grace here theym-seluve to amend
G.10.212KD.9.202 dowell my frend ys to done as the lawe teychethe
G.10.213KD.9.203-204 to louve þi frende & thy foo leuve me þat ys do-better
G.10.214KD.9.205 to gyuven & to ȝemen bothe yong & olde
G.10.215KD.9.206 to healen & to helpen ys dobest off all
G.10.216KD.9.207 dowell ys to drede god & doo bett
er ys to s
G.10.216: The initial s of "suffer" could perhaps be interpreted as a double letter (i.e. a capital), but such usage would be unusual for the G scribe.
G.10.217KD.9.208 & so semeythe doo-best off bothe & bryngethe downe þe modye
G.10.218KD.9.209 & þat ys wycked wyll that manye worke shendythe
G.10.219KD.9.210 & dryuvethe a-way dowell thruvgh deydly synne
explicit secundus passus de