G.5.1KD.4.1 Cessethe seyythe the kyng I suvffer ye no lenger
G.5.2KD.4.2 ye shall saghtell forthefor the sothe & seruve me bothe
G.5.3KD.4.3 kysse hyr quod the kyng to conscyence I hoote
G.5.4KD.4.4 nay by cryste quod conscyence congey me rather
G.5.5KD.4.5 but reason rede me there-to rather wole I dye
G.5.6KD.4.6 I co
G.5.6: The <n> of "command" has in fact three minims, the result of characteristic carelessness in this matter on the part of the
original scribe. the q
uod þe kyng to conscyence then
G.5.7KD.4.7 rape the to ryde & reason þou fecche
G.5.8KD.4.8 commavnde hym þat he come my couvnseyle to here
G.5.9KD.4.9 for he shall reuvle my realme & reyde me þe best
G.5.10KD.4.11 and accouvnte wyth the conscyence so me cryste helpe
G.5.11KD.4.12 how þou lernest the poeple þe lered & the lewde
G.5.12KD.4.13 I am fayne off that forward sayde the freyke then
G.5.13KD.4.14 & rydyth ryght to reason & rowneth In hys yere
G.5.14KD.4.15 and seyde as the kyng bad & sythen toke hys leyuve
G.5.15KD.4.16 I shall arrey me to ryde rest the a whyle
G.5.16KD.4.17 and called caton hys knauve couvrtes off speche
G.5.17KD.4.18 and also thome trew tong tell me no tales
G.5.18KD.4.19 no leysynges to laghe off for I louved theym neuer
G.5.19KD.4.20 and sett my sadle vp-on suffer / tyll I see my tyme
G.5.20KD.4.21 and lett warrock hym well wyth wyttye wordes garthes
G.5.21KD.4.22 and hang on hym the heyuvy brydle to hold hys heyde lowe
G.5.22KD.4.23 for he wyll make wehe twyes er he come there
G.5.23KD.4.24 then conscyence
onG.5.23: All A manuscripts share the G H reading on, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read vppon. hys caple caryeth forthe faste
G.5.24KD.4.25 and reason wyth hym rytt rounyng to-gedders
G.5.25KD.4.26 wyche mastryes mede makethe on thys yerthe
G.5.26KD.4.27 oon warryn wyssdome & wytty hys fere
G.5.27KD.4.28 folowyd hym fast for they had to done
G.5.28KD.4.29 In þe checker & þe chancerye to be dyscharged off thynges
G.5.29KD.4.30 and ryden fast for reason shuolde reyde theym the best
G.5.30KD.4.31 for to sauve them for syluver from shame & from harmes
G.5.31KD.4.32 and conscyence knew theym well þei louved couvetyse
G.5.32KD.4.33 and bad reason ryde fast & reycche off them neyther
G.5.33KD.4.34 they are wyles In þer wordes & wyth mede they dwellen
G.5.34KD.4.35 there as
wrotheG.5.34: The G spelling wrothe might conceivably reflect rounding after w plus r, but if so it would be an exceptionally early example; see Dobson, English Pronunciation, section 53 and note 7. It seems more likely that what we have here is a nominal use of the adjective, see OED wroth, n.1. &
wrastylyng ys þer wynne þei syl
G.5.35KD.4.36 but there ys louve & loyalte they wole not come there
G.5.36KD.4.36α contricio et Infelicitas In viis eorum et cetera
G.5.37KD.4.37 they ne gyuve not off god a goose wynge
G.5.38KD.4.37α non est timor dei ante oculos eorum et cetera
G.5.39KD.4.38 for woote god they wold do more for a dozene chyckens
G.5.40KD.4.38.1 or as many capones or for a seyme off otes
G.5.41KD.4.39 then for the louve off ouvr lord & all hys leuve seyntes
G.5.42KD.4.40forthy reyson lett them ryde / the ryche by them-seluven
G.5.43KD.4.41 for conscyence knoythe theym noght no cryst as I trowe
G.5.44KD.4.42 and þen reason rode fast the ryght hygh gate
G.5.45KD.4.43 and conscyence hym kenned tyll he cam to þe kyng
G.5.46KD.4.44 couvrteyslyche þe kyng then came ageynst reason
G.5.47KD.4.45 betwene hym-selfe & hys sonne sett hym on benche
G.5.48KD.4.46 and wordeden well wysely a greyte whyle to-gedders
G.5.49KD.4.47 and then came peas In-to parlement & puvt forthe a byll
G.5.50KD.4.48 how wrong agaynst hys wyll had hys wyffe taken
G.5.51KD.4.49 and how he rauvysshed rose reynaldes louve
G.5.52KD.4.50 and margarett off hyr meydenhode mauvgre theyre chekes
G.5.53KD.4.51 both my gees & my gryses hys gadelynges fecchen
G.5.54KD.4.52 I dare not for fere off theym fyght ne chyde
G.5.55KD.4.53 he borowed oft my bayard he broght hym whom neuer
G.5.56KD.4.54 ne no ferthyng therfore for ought that I cowld pleyde
G.5.57KD.4.55 he menteynyth hys men to morther my hewen
G.5.58KD.4.56 Forstalleth my Fayrs & fyghtethe In my cheypyng
G.5.59KD.4.57 and breykyth vp my barne dores & beyrythe a-way my weyte
G.5.60KD.4.58 and taketh hym by but a taylle off ten quarters ootes
G.5.61KD.4.59 yet he bett me there & lyeth by my meyde
G.5.62KD.4.60 I am not hardye for hym vnnethe to looke
G.5.63KD.4.61 the kyng knewe he sayd sothe for conscyence hym tolde
G.5.64KD.4.62 that wrong was a wyked luvst & wroght moche sorowe
G.5.65KD.4.63 wrong was afeyrde then & wyssdome he soght
G.5.66KD.4.64 to make peasce wyth hys pence & profered hym manye
G.5.67KD.4.65 and seyde had I louve off my lord lytle wold I recche
G.5.68KD.4.66 thogh peasce & hys power pleyned theym euver
G.5.69KD.4.67 tho went wyssdome & syr warryn the wyttye
G.5.70KD.4.68 for þat wrong had wroght so wyked a dede
G.5.71KD.4.69 & warned wrong tho wyth suoyche a wyse tale
G.5.72KD.4.70 wo-so worchethe by wyll wrathe maketh offt
G.5.73KD.4.71 I say ytt by my-selffe þou shalt ytt well fynd
G.5.74KD.4.72 but yff mede ytt make þi myscheffe ys vppe
G.5.75KD.4.73 for both þi lyfe & þi land lyeth bothe In hyr grace
G.5.76KD.4.74 then wowed wrong wyssdome fuvll yerne
G.5.77KD.4.75 to make hys peasce wyth hys pence In hand payed
G.5.78KD.4.76 wyssdome & wytt þen wenten to-gedders
G.5.79KD.4.77 & tooke mede wythe theym marcy to wynne
G.5.79: There is a smudge in the right margin, but this comes from the following page. See note to G.5.118.
G.5.80KD.4.78 peasce put forthe hys heyde & hys panne blodye
G.5.81KD.4.79 wyth
-owte gylt god yt woote
gettG.5.82: Though preterites of "get" in <a> do occur in G (see, e.g., G.2.35), it seems likely that the form gett is also intended as a preterite, cf. the preterite in <e> at G.19.292. The G reading here is therefore probably not a substantive variant, even though most remaining B manuscripts read gat. I thys skathe
G.5.82KD.4.80 conscyence & the commuvne knowen the sothe
G.5.83KD.4.81 but wyssdome & wytt where a-bowte fast
G.5.84KD.4.82 to ouver-come the kyng wyth catell yff they myght
G.5.85KD.4.83 the kyng sware by cryst & by hys crone bothe
G.5.86KD.4.84 that wrong for hys workes shuold wo thole
G.5.87KD.4.85 and commauvnded a constable to casten hym In yrenns
G.5.88KD.4.86 and lett hym not thys seyuven yere seene hys fete onesce
G.5.89KD.4.87 god woote quod wyssdome that were nat the best
G.5.90KD.4.88 and he amendes mow make lett meymprysse
G.5.90: For meymprysse with medial <m>, see note to G.3.198. hym ha
G.5.91KD.4.89 and be borowe for hys bale & byggen hym boote
G.5.92KD.4.90 and so amend that ys myssdo & euer-more the better
G.5.93KD.4.91 wytt accorded therwyth and seyde the same
G.5.94KD.4.92 better ys þ
G.5.94: The <þ> of þat has been altered in black ink, enlarging the head. boote bale a
-downe bryng
G.5.95KD.4.93 then baale be ybett / & boote neuer the better
G.5.96KD.4.94 and then ganne mede meuve hyr & mercy besoght
G.5.97KD.4.95 and profered peasce a present all off puvre gold
G.5.98KD.4.96 hauve þis man quod she to amend thy scathe
G.5.99KD.4.97 for I wole wage for wrong he wole do so no more
G.5.100KD.4.98 pytyouvsly peasce then preyd to the kyng
G.5.101KD.4.99 to ha
uve marcy
off þ
at man þ
at myssdyd hym
offtG.5.101: In the case of M, the shared G M reading offt involves erasure and correction, and the original M reading may well have been so ofte (the reading of remaining B manuscripts). All A manuscripts except J share the G M reading, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson.
G.5.102KD.4.100 For he hath waged me well as wyssdome hym taght
G.5.103KD.4.101 and I forgyuve hym þat gylt wyth a good wyll
G.5.104KD.4.102 so that þe kyng assente I can sey no better
G.5.105KD.4.103 nay quod the kyngFor mede hatheG.5.105: The form of the letters -ede in mede differs from that normally used by hand1 in the body of the text, but resembles that used in the more formal rubricated sections.
See Introduction I.7. me amendys made I may no more aske
G.5.106KD.4.104 nay q
uod the kyng tho so me c
G.5.106:Possibly the second letter of cryst was originally a 2-shaped rather than a long <r>. helpe
G.5.107KD.4.105 wrong wendeth not so a-way or y wytt more
G.5.108KD.4.106 For loope he so lyghlye
G.5.108: For "lightly" without medial <t>, see note to G.1.150. he laghen he wold
G.5.109KD.4.107 and
ofterG.5.109: The majority of A manuscripts read "oft" rather than ofter (as G) or efte (as remaining B manuscripts), and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. bolder be to beyte my
G.5.110KD.4.108 but reason hauve ruvweth off hym he shall rest In þe stockes
G.5.111KD.4.109 als long as he lyuvythe but lownes hym borowe
G.5.112KD.4.110 some men redde reason tho to ha
uve rewthe
off þe sheweG.5.112: An attempt has been made to correct shewe to shrewe before deletion and rewriting. shrewe
G.5.113KD.4.111 & for to counseyle þe kyng & conscyence after
G.5.114KD.4.112 that mede myght be meympernouvre reason þei besoght
G.5.115KD.4.113 rede me not quod reason rewthe for to hauve
G.5.116KD.4.114 tyll lordes & ladyes louven all trewthe
G.5.117KD.4.115 and haten all harlotrye to here or to mowthe ytt
a profycy The word profycy looks at first sight as if it may have been crossed out, but it is simply smudged.
G.5.118KD.4.116 tyll pernelles puvrfyll be puvtt In huvr huvcche
G.5.119KD.4.117 & chyldren charysshyng by chastysyng wyth yerdes
G.5.120KD.4.118 & harlottes holynes be holden for an hyne
G.5.121KD.4.119 and clerkes couvetyse be to ch clothe þe poere & fede
G.5.122KD.4.120 and relygyouvs romers recordare In theyr cloysters
G.5.123KD.4.121 as seynt benett theym badde bernarde & frauvnceys
G.5.124KD.4.122 and to preychers plreychyng be proued off theym-seluven
G.5.125KD.4.123 tyll the kynges couvnceyle be the commuvne proffett
G.5.126KD.4.124 tyll bysshopps byardes be beggers chambers
G.5.127KD.4.125 theyre hauvkes & theyre houvndes help to pore rylygyouvse
G.5.128KD.4.126 and tyll seynt Iame be soght there I shall assynge
G.5.129KD.4.127 that no man go to gales but yff he go for euer
G.5.130KD.4.128 and all rome renners for robbers byȝonde
G.5.131KD.4.129 beyre no syl
uver ouer
sheyG.5.131:The use of <sh> for <s> (in G shey, cf. most manuscripts see) probably reflects earlier Northern or East Midlands influence. See Introduction III.4.1 and Dobson, English Pronunciation, section 373 and notes. þ
at sygne off kyng shewythe
G.5.132KD.4.130 nether grauve ne vngrauve gold nether syluver
G.5.133KD.4.131 on forfat
uvre off that fee
whoG.5.133: A high proportion of A manuscripts share the G F reading who, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read who-so. fynd hym att dou
G.5.134KD.4.132 but yff he be marchant or hys man or meysenger wyth letters
G.5.135KD.4.133 prouvysour or preeste or penauvnte for hys synnes
G.5.136KD.4.134 and yet quod reason by the rode I shall no rewthe hauve
G.5.137KD.4.135 wyle mede hath the mastrye In thys mote halle
G.5.138KD.4.136 but I may shewe Insamples as I see other-whyles
G.5.139KD.4.137 I sey ytt by my
-selffe & yffG.5.139: Perhaps because the use of "and"="if" is confusing for him, the G scribe does sometimes have "and if" for B "and," as here. See also G.14.121 and G.15.29. At G.3.194, G.10.9 and G.18.243, G has "if" for "and." Occasionally these readings correspond to the readings of F or H (in this particular case, F shares
G's original reading), but this is not always the case and such agreement therefore cannot be used as evidence of a relationship. ytt so were
G.5.140KD.4.138 that I were kyng wyth crowne to kepe þe realme
G.5.141KD.4.139 shuold neuer wrong In thys worlde that I wytt myght
G.5.142KD.4.140 bynne vnpuvnnyshed In my power for perell off my souvle
G.5.143KD.4.141 ne gett my grace for gyftes so me god helpe
G.5.144KD.4.142 ne for no mede hauve marcy buvt mekenes ytt make
G.5.145KD.4.143 for nullum malum the man mett wyth Impunitum .
G.5.146KD.4.144 and badde nullum bonum bene irremuneratum
G.5.147KD.4.145 lett youvr confessor syr kyng constrew you thys vnglosed
G.5.148KD.4.146 and yff
youG.5.148: The vast majority of A manuscripts read "thou," which is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson and which may have given rise to the G reading
you (with misreading of the thorn as a <y>). However, most B manuscripts read ȝe and it is worth remembering that the G scribe does employ "you" for the nominative plural elsewhere; see note to G.2.180. worchen
that worke I wedde my heyrs
G.5.149KD.4.147 that law shalbeshal be a laborer & leyde a-felde donge
G.5.150KD.4.148 & louve shall leyde thy land as the leefe lykethe
G.5.151KD.4.149 clerkes þat were confessouvrs couvpled theym to-gedders
G.5.152KD.4.150 all to constrew thys clauvse for þe kynges profytt
G.5.153KD.4.151 but noght for comforte off þe comen ne for þe kynges souvle
G.5.154KD.4.152 for I sygh mede In þe mote halle on men off lawe wynke
G.5.155KD.4.153 and they laghyng loope to hyr & left reason many
G.5.156KD.4.154 warren wyssdome wynked vpon mede
G.5.157KD.4.155 & sayd madame I am your owen wat so my mouvthe tellythe
G.5.158KD.4.156 I fall In florenzys quod þat freyke & fayle speche offte
G.5.159KD.4.157 all ryghfull
G.5.159:This spelling of "rightful" (without medial <t>) is recorded by the MED. For a similar spelling of "lightly," see G.1.150 and note. recorded that reason trewthe told
G.5.160KD.4.158 and wytt accorded therwythe & commendyd hys wordes
G.5.161KD.4.159 & þe most poeple In the hall & many off þe greyte
G.5.162KD.4.160 and letten mekenes a maystrye & mede a mansed sre shrewe
G.5.163KD.4.161 louve lete off hyr lyght & loyalte yet lasse
G.5.164KD.4.162 and sayd ytt so hye that all the halle ytt herd
G.5.165KD.4.163 who-so wylnethe hyr to welthe wyffe / for welthe off hyr goodes
G.5.166KD.4.164 but he beknowebe knowe for a cokewold kuvtt off my nose
G.5.167KD.4.165 mede mouvrned tho & made heyuvy chere
G.5.168KD.4.166 For the most comen off þat couvrte called hyr a hoore
G.5.169KD.4.167 buvt a sysouvr & somnouvr suvede hyr fast
G.5.170KD.4.168 and a shreyuvys clerke beshrewyd all the rouvte
G.5.171KD.4.169 Full ofte hauve I quod he holpen you att the barre
G.5.172KD.4.170 and yet gauve ye me neuer the worth off a rysshe
G.5.173KD.4.171 the kyng called conscyence & after-ward reason
G.5.174KD.4.172 and recorded that reason had ryghtfullyche shewed
G.5.175KD.4.173 and modelyche vp-on mede wyth myght þe kyng loked
G.5.176KD.4.174 and gan wexe wrothe wyth lawe for mede had nyghe shente ytt
G.5.177KD.4.175 and seyde thruvghe your lawe I leuve I leese many cheytes
G.5.178KD.4.176 mede ouermasterethe lawe & moche trewthe lettythe
G.5.179KD.4.177 but reason shall reyken wyth you yff I reygne any wyle
G.5.180KD.4.178 and deme you by þis day as ye hauve deseruved
G.5.181KD.4.179 mede shal not meympryce you by mary off heyuen
G.5.182KD.4.180 I wole hauve loyalte yn lawe & lett be youvr Ianglyng
G.5.183KD.4.181 and as most folke wyttnessyth wrong shalbeshal be demed
G.5.184KD.4.182 quod conscyence to þe kyng but þe commen assente
G.5.185KD.4.183 ytt ys full herd by my heyd here-to / to bryng ytt
G.5.186KD.4.184 all youvr leyge leedes to leyde thuvs euver
G.5.187KD.4.185 by hym that raght on the rode quod reason to þe kyng
G.5.188KD.4.186 but yff I re
thysG.5.188: For the G scribe's use of "this" for most manuscripts "thus," see note to G.4.76. yo
uvr realme rende ovte my g
G.5.189KD.4.187 yff ye byden boexomenes be off myne assente
G.5.190KD.4.188 and I assente quod þe kyng by seynt marye my ladye
G.5.191KD.4.189 by my couvnseyle comen off clerkes & off erles
G.5.192KD.4.190 butt reydylye reason þou shalt not ryde me fro
G.5.193KD.4.191 For as long as I lyuve leyuve þe I nyll
G.5.194KD.4.192 I am all reydy quod reason to rest wyth you euver
G.5.195KD.4.193 so conscyence be off couvnseyle I kepe no better
G.5.196KD.4.194 and I gra
uvnt q
uod the kyng
godG.5.196: Bm originally shared the majority B reading goddes but the inflexion was later erased, bringing Bm's reading into line with the G M Cr23 F H reading god. forbyd ytt fayle
G.5.197KD.4.195 as long as our lyffe lastethe lyuve we to-gedders
explicit quintus passus de
visione G.5.197: The cross at the bottom right hand corner of the page is in modern pencil.