Cr1.10.174KD.10.170 Than shalt thou se Sobreite and simplicitie of spech
C.10.172KD.10.170 ¶ Thanne shaltow se sobere · and symplete of speche
G.11.175KD.10.170 þen shalthowe see / sobryete /G.11.175: For the virgules here, see note to G.6.597. & symplenes off speche
R.10.177KD.10.170 Þane schaltow se sobrete and symplete of berynge .R.10.177: In place of alpha's berynge, beta reads speche. Ax confirms beta's reading.
F.7.176KD.10.170Þere shalt þou see / Sobrete / ful symple of berynge.F.7.176: Alpha is responsible for berynge. Beta manuscripts have speche.