Cr1.10.404KD.10.401 As Solomon did & such other , þat shewed greate wyts
C.10.401KD.10.401 As salamon dide and swich oþer · þat shewed grete wittes
R.10.427KD.10.401 As salomon and other dedeR.10.427: Instead of alpha's non-alliterating and other dede, beta
more plausibly reads dede and such other. þat schewed
grete wittes .
F.7.416KD.10.401As salomon & oþireF.7.416: Alpha is responsible for the omission of the alliterating word swiche before oþire as well as for the change in word order. Beta witnesses have "As Salomon dide and swiche oþere." dede / þat sheweden grete wisdom