M.10.421KD.10.415The culorum of þis c..lauseM.10.421: M's original reading may have agreed with OC2, which read cause. is Curatours to mene
Cr1.10.419KD.10.415 The Culor of thys clause , curates is to meane
C.10.415KD.10.415 The culorum of þis clause · curatours is to mene
O.10.420KD.10.415Þe culorum of þis causeO.10.420: OC2 alone have cause in place of clause. curatouris is to mene
R.10.442KD.10.415 ¶ Þe culorum of þis
clause in curatouresR.10.442: R's in is a unique addition to the presumptive archetypal
text. F adds of. Beta agrees with Cx in omitting both
of these prepositions. is to mene .