M.12.115KD.12.107NomoreNo more can a kynde-wittedmanwitted man but ȝif clerkes hym teche
Cr1.12.114KD.12.107 No more can a kind witted man , but clarkes him teach
W.12.114KD.12.107 Namoore kan a kynde witted man . but clerkes hym teche W.12.114:nota
Hm.12.421KD.12.107 nomore can a kynde wyttyd man · but ȝif clerkes hym teche · Hm.12.421: An entire line here is left blank. No text was lost.
C.12.114KD.12.107 Namore kan a kynde witted man · but clergie hym teche
R.12.117KD.12.107 Na more can a kende wedded manR.12.117: R's almost nonsensical kende wedded man (in place of
beta's kyndewitted man) reflects alpha corruption, while F's omitting kynde and substituting lewid man represents an attempt to
make sense of the half-line. but clerkes hym teche .
F.9.234KD.12.107No more can a lewid manF.9.234: F's a-verse perhaps reflects corruption in alpha. If R's almost nonsensical "kende wedded man" in place of beta's
"kynde witted man" reflects alpha, F's omitting kynde and substitution of "lewed man" represents an attempt to make sense of the half-line. / but clerkes hym teche.