Cr1.12.157KD.12.159 And tho saydest soth of some , & se in what maner ,
C.12.158KD.12.159 ¶ And thow saidest soth of some · and se yit in what manere
G.13.159KD.12.159 & þou seydest sothe off some but se ytt yn whatt manereremanereG.13.159: G's original manere has been re-outlined in black ink. The new version adds an unnecessary abbreviation and the mark for this is more elaborate
than is usual. See note to G.13.57.
R.12.162KD.12.159 ¶ And þow seydest soth of somme ac se in
whanere .R.12.162: The correct reading is beta's what manere; R here
presumably mirrors a loss of text in alpha while F (an ensample) attempts
to guess at a suitable correction.
F.9.279KD.12.159& þou seydist soþ of summe / & see an ensample.F.9.279: F's b-verse is unique, and the corruption of R suggests that he has attempted to repair a defective exemplar. R
has "ac se in whanere" in place of beta's "ac se in what manere."