Cr1.12.182KD.12.183 And that is after person & parishe priest , & paraduenture
W.12.182KD.12.183 And þat is after person or parissh preest . þe whiche benW.12.182: W alone reads þe whiche ben, omitted by F; other manuscripts have and. par-auenture
C.12.183KD.12.183 And that is after parson or parisshe prest and parauenture
O.12.184KD.12.183And þat is after persoun or parischpreest & parauenture he O.12.184: OCr23C2 alone include he.
R.12.186KD.12.183 And þat is after person or parisch preste
and par-auenter bothe .R.12.186: Beta omits bothe. There appears to have been a
line-division problem at this point in Bx, and Kane-Donaldson recast the
first word of the next line of Bx (Vnconnynge) as the
final stave word of this line.
F.9.302KD.12.183After his parsoun or parshe prest / parawnter þey be vnkonynge boþe.F.9.302: F's b-verse is unique. R reads "and par auenter bothe," and beta witnesses have "and parauenture" with Vnkonnynge in the following a-verse.
F omits Bx's "Vnkonnynge to lere lewed men as luc bereþ witnesse."