Readings for line KD.12.211

Þat owre lorde ne had hym liȝtlich oute · so leue I þe thef be in heuene
That oure lord ne hadde hym liȝtliche oute  so leue I þe thef be in heuene
But our lord had him lightli out , so leue I þe thif be in heuen
That oure lord ne hadde hym liȝtly out . so leue I þe þef be in heuene
that our lord ne hadde hym lyȝtlyche out · so leue y the thefe be yn heuene
That oure lord ne had hym lightlich oute · so leue I þe thef be in heuen
but our lorde had hym lyghtlyche oute so leuve I þe theffe yn heyuvenG.13.213: The line is too long and wraps around. The last two words are written underneath the rest of the line and are boxed in grey ink.
Þat oure lord ne hadde hym liȝtlich out . so leue I  þe þeef be in heuene
Þat oure lorde ne hadde hym liȝtliche oute  so leue I þe be in heuene .R.12.213: Alpha was clearly missing the key word of the b-verse, thef, a fact which F, as is his custom, attempts to cover over (so leve y it be in hevene). Beta reads this b-verse precisely as does R, with one addition: so leue I þe thef be in heuene.
Þat crist hadde hym lyghtly owt / so leve y it be in heveneF.9.328: Alpha had omitted thief, and F revised to make sense of what he found. Beta witnesses read "so leue I þe þef be in heuene."