L.12.260KD.12.259 By þe p..rofeet[po feet]L.12.260: The fact that <ro> is written over an erasure suggests that the scribe may have originally written the correct po feet and then, not understanding this to mean "peacock's feet," hypercorrected the text to profeet. is vnderstonde · as I haue lerned in auynedt
Cr1.12.259KD.12.259 By þe posete is vnderstande , as I haue lerned in Auinet
C.12.260KD.12.259 ¶ By the poo feet is vndirstonde · as I lerned in auynette
R.12.261KD.12.259 By þe po feet is vnderstondedR.12.261: R's vnderstonded is a unique form. Most of the other B manuscripts have vnderstonde. as I
haue lerned in auynet .