Cr1.12.57KD.12.51 And ryche reukes ryght so , gaderen and sparen ,
C.12.56KD.12.51 ¶ And riche renkes right so · gadderand and sparyng
G.13.57KD.12.51 & ryche rennvkesG.13.57: The brown ink corrector has altered the <n> of renkes to <v> and hand3 has then crossed this out and added a macron above the <e>. This macron is nothing like that normally used
by the original scribe or WH. Compare the similar abbreviation which appears as part of the marginalia on f.96v. ryght so gardyden & sparden
F.9.173KD.12.51/ [¶] Þere ben ryche renkys þat do so / þat gadren & sparen.