Cr1.13.19KD.13.19 And sithen how imaginatiue sayde , Uix saluabitur ,
C.13.19KD.13.19 And how ymaginatif saide vix iustus saluabitur
G.14.19KD.13.19 and sythe how Imagynatyve sayde vixG.14.19: The left hand side of the <x> of vix is faint and may have been subject to erasure (leaving vir, as in G.13.283). Iustus saluabitur . //
O.13.19KD.13.19And how ymagynatyf seyde vix saluabitur iustusO.13.19: Two crosses, about two lines in height, appear in the right margin, probably in hand 2. They may have been intended
to point to the faulty alliteration of l. 19.
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