L.15.167KD.15.157 As non inflatusinflatu[r] non ambiciosaL.15.167: L alone omits est before ambiciosa. It is added above the line in M. non querit que sua sunt
M.15.163KD.15.157..IsM.15.163: M's altered reading of Is agrees with WHmCr. YOC2LRF read As. . non inflatu.r non estM.15.163: It is likely that the original reading was that of L, which has inflatus and omits est. ambiciosa . non querit que sua sunt .
Cr1.15.161KD.15.157 Is Non inflatur non est ambitiosa , non querit que sua sunt
W.15.163KD.15.157 Is Non inflatur . non est ambiciosa . non querit que sua sunt &cW.15.163: W alone has &c.
C.15.158KD.15.157 Non in-flatur non est ambiciosa non querit que sua sunt
G.16.161KD.15.157 nonG.16.161: C shares the G C B reading non, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read As non or Is non. inflatur non est ambiciosa non querit que sua sunt