Cr1.15.175KD.15.170 And leueth and loueth all that our lorde made
W.15.177KD.15.170 And leneþW.15.177: The word could, of course, be leueþ, the reading chosen by Skeat. Modern editors have chosen leneþ. and loueþ alle . þat oure lord made
C.15.172KD.15.170 And lenes and loues alle · þat oure lorde made
He leuethR.15.194: R's He is an alpha lection; beta has And; R's leueth is matched only in Cr; F reads beleviþ while beta manuscripts are ambiguous. Kane and Donaldson read them as leneth, but Skeat construed L's reading as leueth.
and loueth alle þat oure lorde made .
F.11.185KD.15.170He beleviþF.11.185: Alpha and Y have He for beta's And. F uniquely has beleviþ for Bx's leneþ (or leueþ). & loveþ alle þo / þat oure lord god made.