Cr1.15.25KD.15.25 And for that I can and knowe , called am I Mens
W.15.25KD.15.25 And for þat I kan knoweW.15.25: W alone reads kan knowe; other manuscripts have can and knowe. . called am I mens
C.15.25KD.15.25 And for that I kan and knowe · called am I Mens
R.15.26KD.15.25 And for þat I can and knowe cald am I mens . thouȝteR.15.26:
R's thouȝte is a unique reading among the B
copies and has the appearance of a scribal gloss erroneously incorporated into the text. F's
line terminal ofte then would represent a fairly typical example of that
tradition's tendency toward "smoothing" earlier mistakes. However that may be, thouȝte also appears at this point in a large number of C
manuscripts of both major families, including XYcP2TH2Ch (of the X group) and PEcQZWaGcNcFcCa (of the P group); so if it is an error, its
source is a manuscript prior to Bx in the line of transmission.
F.11.28KD.15.25& for þat y can y knowe[and] knowe / callyd mens y am ofte.F.11.28: In Bx, this line appears after 11.24.