Cr1.15.266KD.15.263 For wel may euery man wit if God had wold him-self
C.15.264KD.15.263 For wel may euery man wite · if god had walde hym-selue
R.15.292KD.15.263 For euery man may welR.15.292: Beta transposes the opening phrase of this line as For wel may
euery man. wite if godR.15.292: With the exception of G, which here joins alpha, the beta manuscripts read
god hadde wolde here. wolde hym-sulue .
F.11.279KD.15.263¶ For euery man may wel weteF.11.279: Alpha is responsible for the a-verse word order. Beta witnesses have "For wel may euery man wite." / if god woldeF.11.279: Alpha lacks beta's hadde before wolde. hym-selue.