Cr1.15.291KD.15.288 Fowles hym fed felle winters wythall
C.15.289KD.15.288 Foules hym Fedde fele wynters with alle
G.16.293KD.15.288 Fouvhles hym fedde fellG.16.293: For G's treatment of B fele (appearing here as G Cr fell), see note to G.4.349. wynters wythe all
O.15.293KD.15.288Foules hym feddenO.15.293: OC2 alone have the form fedden in place of fedde. fele wyntres wiþ-alle
R.15.317KD.15.288 Foules hym feddeR.15.317: An ink blot covers the -ed of fedde. fele wyntres with-alle .