Cr1.15.300KD.15.297 That liued thus for our lordes loue many long yeres ,
C.15.298KD.15.297 That lyueden thus for oure lordes loue · many longe yeres
G.16.302KD.15.297 that lyuvyden thysG.16.302: For the G scribe's use of "this" for remaining manuscripts "thus," see note to G.4.76. for oure lordys louve many long yeres
R.15.326KD.15.297 Þat lyueden þus for oure lordes loue amonges wilde bestes .R.15.326: For alpha's amonges wilde bestes, beta (and the C version) read manye longe ȝeres.
F.11.313KD.15.297Þat lyvedyn þus for oure lordis love / a-mongis wyȝlde beestis.F.11.313: The b-verse reading occurred in alpha; beta witnesses read "many longe yeres."