L.15.359KD.15.346 And many a prisone fram purgatorie · þorw his preyeres he delyureth
M.15.355KD.15.346And many a prisonerM.15.355: For the abbreviation see M14.187, prisoners. The majority of B manuscripts read prison, but CrGC2CotF read prisoner(s). The rather ambiguous abbreviation in M explains the variation. from purgatorie þorȝwgh his praiers he deliuereth
Cr1.15.352KD.15.346 And mani prisoner by his praierhepraier he pulith from paine
W.15.355KD.15.346 And many a prison fram purgatorie . þoruȝ hise preieres he deliuereþ
C.15.346KD.15.346 And many a prisson fram purgatorie · thorugh his prayere deliueres
R.15.380KD.15.346 And many a prison fram purgatorie þoruȝ his
preyeres is deliuered .R.15.380: For R's is deliuered, F reads ben
dylyuered; beta reads (he) delyureth.
F.11.365KD.15.346& many a prisoner fram purgatorie / þorghȝ prayere ben dylyuered.F.11.365: Alpha is responsible for a form of be plus the past participle. Beta witnesses have (he) deliuereþ.