Cr1.15.596KD.15.613 Carnis resurrectionem , et vitam eternam. Amen .
C.15.589KD.15.613 Carnis resurrecconem et vitam eternam amen
O.15.596KD.15.613Carnis resurreccionem & vitam eternam amen .O.15.596: This line is written in the right margin. It wraps around beneath after eter-, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
F.12.1KD.16.0AGeynF.12.1: The ornamental capital is blue with red and green flourishes in the left margin the length of the page. The scribe's
guide <a> for the rubricator is visible in the middle of the rubricated letter. y gan to sleepe softe / & my syȝde y gan to turne. These two lines appear only in F.
F.12.2KD.16.0& a-noon y seyȝ . as y seyȝ erst / & spak to hym with mowþe.