Cr1.15.74KD.15.71 Ye mouen matters inmesurable to tel of the trynyty ,
C.15.73KD.15.71 Mouen maters in mesurables · to tellen of the trinite
R.15.85KD.15.71 Ȝe meuen materes vnmesurables to tellen of þe trinite
Hereafter RF omit a line found in beta:
Þat ofte tymes þe lewed peple of her bileue douten.
F.11.81KD.15.71Ȝee meve mateer vn-mesurableF.11.81: The dot between vn and mesurable does not appear to be intentional. / to tellyn of þe trinnyte.F.11.81: Alpha omitted the following unmetrical line attested by beta witnesses: "That ofte tymes þe lewed peple of hir bileue