Cr1.15.99KD.15.95 Ther inperfite presthode is prechers and techers .
C.15.97KD.15.95 Ther inparfit presthod is · prechours and techers
Þere inparfit presthode is andR.15.110: The beta manuscripts omit this conjunction.
prechoures and techoures . Beginning just below
the pointing hand referred to at R15.107, there is an erased note in the right margin,
written horizontally in some 16 short lines that extend down the page to a point
approximately 2.2 cm. below the last line of scribal text. The hand appears to be the same as
that discernible in the extensive erased note on fol. 94r.
F.11.106KD.15.95Þere inparfyȝt presthod ys / &F.11.106: Alpha is responsible for &. Beta witnesses lack it. prechouris & techeris