M.15.105KD.15.99Riȝt so persones and prestes . and menM.15.105: M's men is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read prechours. of holychurche
Cr1.15.103KD.15.99 Right so of parsons & pristes & prechers of holichurch
W.15.105KD.15.99 ¶ Right so biW.15.105: All other manuscripts omit bi, added above the line in W. persons and preestes . and prechours of holi chirche
C.15.101KD.15.99 Riȝt so persones and prestoesprestes · and prechours of haly cherche
G.16.104KD.15.99 ryght so persones & prestes and preychouvrs off holycherche holy cherche
R.15.114KD.15.99 Riȝt so persones and prestes and
prechoures of holy cherchesR.15.114: R uniquely deploys the plural; the other manuscripts read cherche. Cx agrees with them against R.