L.16.11KD.16.11 And forto haue my fylle of þat frute · forsake al other soauleeL.16.11: The <a> is converted from <o> and the final <e> added. Cot and R both have soule here, L's original reading.
M.16.11KD.16.11And for to haue my fulle of þat fruyt . forsake al other saulee
Cr1.16.11KD.16.11 And for to haue mi fil of þat frut , forsake al other salue
W.16.11KD.16.11 ¶ And for to haue my fulle of þat fruyt . forsake alle oþere saulees
C.16.11KD.16.11 And to haue my fille of þat fruyt · forsake al other saulee
G.17.11KD.16.11 & to haue my wyll off þat fruvyte forsake all other sauvlees
R.16.11KD.16.11 And to haue my fille of þat fruit forsake alle other soule