M.16.128KD.16.122And Sathan .youre saueour ȝyow-self now .. —M.16.128: The erasure of a word here, which in most B manuscripts is ye, brings M into agreement with OC2F. However, these manuscripts read your-self for yow-self which therefore makes sense. M shares yow-self with YLR which retain ye. wittnessen
Cr1.16.127KD.16.122 And Satan your sauiour , your-selfe now ye wytnes
W.16.128KD.16.122 And Sathan youre Saueour . ye-selfW.16.128: W alone among B witnesses has ye-self. Other B witnesses read yow-self or youre-selfe. now ye witnessen
C.16.91KD.16.122 And sathan youre saueour · youre-self now ye witnessen
O.16.129KD.16.122And sathan ȝoure saueour ȝoure-self nowO.16.129: OC2MF alone lack a word between now and witnessen; most B manuscripts have ye. witnessen