Cr1.16.183KD.16.176 I am faith quod that freke , it falleth not to lie
C.16.146KD.16.176 ¶ I am faith quod þis freek · it falles nouȝt to lye
O.16.184KD.16.176IO.15.184: The initial capital is usually large and ornate. am feiþ quod þis freek it falleþ not to lye
R.16.184KD.16.176 ¶ I am feith quod þat freke it falleth
nauȝt meR.16.184: F transposes this phrase as falleþ me nowht; beta omits
me. In a revised line, the prevalent C reading
agrees with R's (though a minority of C witnesses read the phrase in F's
order). to lye .
F.13.10KD.16.176¶ I am feythȝ quod þat freeke / it falleþ meF.13.10: Alpha and most C manuscripts have me, though R and C have it after nowht. Beta lacks it. nowht to lyȝe.