L.16.232KD.16.222 And is nouȝt but gendre of o generacioun · bifor Ihesu cryst in heuene
M.16.232KD.16.222And is nouȝt but gendre of generacioun . bifore Ihesu crist in heuene
Cr1.16.231KD.16.222 And is not but gender of generation , bifore Iesu Christ
W.16.232KD.16.222 And is noȝt but gendre of a generacion . bifore Iesu crist in heuene
C.16.193KD.16.222 And is nat but genderd of a generacion · bifore Ihesu crist in heuene
R.16.232KD.16.222 And is nouȝt but gendre of o
generacioun bi-for
ihesu crist in heuene .