M.16.239KD.16.228Wesshe hire feet and wypped hyemM.16.239: M's original reading hym was not attested in other B manuscripts. . and afturM.16.239: Only Cr1 shares M's omission of ward after aftur. þei eten .
Cr1.16.238KD.16.228 Washe her fete and wiped hem , & after they eaten ,
Hm.16.238KD.16.228 wesch her feet and wyped hem · and aftyrward þey etynHm.16.238: Hm alone omits the following line, given here in the spelling of L:
Calues flesshe & cakebrede and knewe what I thouȝte.
C.16.200KD.16.228 Wesshe hir feet and wiped hem · and afterward thay eten
R.16.239KD.16.228 Wesche here fete in[a]n[d] wiped hesR.16.239: R's hes is unique but is not a careless error. According
to OED2, s. v.
his, hise (pers. pron., 3rd sing. fem. acc.), this form is a
twelfth-fourteenth century variant of the 3rd person sing. accus., his(e),
which is equivalent to standard ME hem. MED, s. v.
netheren (v.) and God, cites an example from the
thirteenth-century Vices and Virtues (Bute hie hem seluen
neðerien..scal goddalmihtin hes forliesen — BL Stowe 34). and
afterwarde þei eten .