L.16.269KD.16.256 Amonges patriarkes and profetes · pleyandeL.16.269: L alone has the -ande form of the participle here, though F reads pleyende; most B witnesses have pleyinge. R's pleyede quite possibly reflects a lost tilde rather than a preterite form. togyderes
Cr1.16.268KD.16.256 Among patriarkes and prophetes , pleying togyders
[Not found.]
R.16.269KD.16.256 Amonges patriarkes and prophetes pleyedeR.16.269: R's use of the preterite is unique in the B tradition
(a few copies of C attest a preterite here); most beta copies have pleyinge (which is also the reading of Cx); but cf. F's
pleyende and L's pleyande. These forms of the present
participle suggest that R's mistake may have amounted to nothing more than overlooking a
nasal bar in his copytext. to-gyderes .