Cr1.19.149KD.19.151-152 Commen kneling to the corps & songen Christus resurgens ,
C.19.146KD.19.151-152 Com knelyng to þe corees ; and sangen christus resurgens
[Not found.]
F.15.153KD.19.151Comen knelynge to þat corps / & konyngly sunge. F's b-verse, with konyngly supplying an alliterating stave, is unique. Beta witnesses have the metrically anomolous reading "Come knelynge to þe corps
and songen," followed by the tag line Christus resurgens. Lacking the evidence of R at this point, we cannot be certain that F's konyngly is not the alpha reading and thus probably original. However, in view of the agreement in 153b of Cx with beta and of 154 with F, F's konyngly is probably an intelligent conjectural emendation, while his 154 perhaps reflects Bx.