Cr1.19.39KD.19.39 Are frankelens fremen , through fullynge þat they toke
Hm.19.38KD.19.38, 39 and þo þat bycome crystene · þurgh fullynge þat þey tookeHm.19.38: Hm uniquely combines the a-verse of 19.38 with what in other manuscripts is the b-verse of the following line, thus
omitting by conseille of þe baptiste / Aren frankeleynes fre men, found in all other B manuscripts and given here in the spelling of L.
C.19.37KD.19.39 Aren fraunkeleyns free men · thurgh fullyng þat thay toke
O.19.37KD.19.39 Arn fraunkeleyns &O.19.37: OF alone include &. free men þoruȝ fullyng þat þei tokenO.19.37: O alone has token; all other beta witnesses have toke.
[Not found.]