M.20.264KD.20.265Hire ordre and hire rule woldeM.20.264: M's wolde agrees with Cr; other B manuscripts have wole or wel. . to han a certein nombre
Cr1.20.263KD.20.265 Their order & their rule wold to haue a certen nombre
C.20.262KD.20.265 Hire ordire and hir reule · wole to han a certein nombire
G.21.262KD.20.265 G.21.262: The mark in the left hand margin is just a smudge. theyr ordre & þer ruvle wyll / to haue a certeyne nombre
HeraudeR.20.237: Alpha is responsible here for a botched a-verse (apparently alpha omitted
ordre, leaving Her ande, which R took to be Heraude). F attempted a complete revision of alpha's a-verse to Þer is in here rewle wel. Beta and C witnesses have Her ordre and her reule wil. here reule wol to haue a
certeyne nombre .
F.16.263KD.20.265Þer is in here rewle welF.16.263: Alpha is responsible for a botched a-verse, which F attempted to revise. R reads "heraude here reule wol." Beta
and C witnesses have "Hir ordre and hir reule wole." / to have a serteynn numbre.