Cr1.20.347KD.20.348 Heende speach heete Peace to open the gates
C.20.346KD.20.348 ¶ Hende speche heet pees ˜ open the yates
G.21.346KD.20.348 hende speche heete peasce / openG.21.346: A virgule has been added at this point to separate open from þe. þe gates
R.20.321KD.20.348 ¶ Hende speche heet pees þo R.20.321: Beta omits þo. However, Cx agrees with alpha. opene þe ȝates .
F.16.346KD.20.348¶ Hende speche badF.16.346: F's bad is unique. Bx has heet. Pees þoo / to openeF.16.346: An otiose curl appears over <o>. þe ȝatis.