Cr1.20.57KD.20.59 And religious reuerenced him and rang their belles ,
Hm.20.58KD.20.59 and religiouusHm.20.58: Kane and Donaldson read religiouns, thus creating a unique reading. However, the scribe infrequently wrote <uu> where a single graphie would be expected; e.
g. Hm14.218 rybauud and Hm.3.295 leauute. The forms of <u> and <n> are indistinguishable. reuerencid hyym and rongyn here belles
C.20.58KD.20.59 And religiouse reuerenced hym · and ragen hir belles
R.20.33KD.20.59 And religiousesR.20.33:
This plural form is unique to R; beta and F both show the singular, as does the C version. reuerensed hym and
rongen here belles .