L.5.12KD.5.12 And with a crosse afor þe kynge · comsed þus to techen
M.5.12KD.5.12And with a crosse a-fore þe kynge . coms.ed þus to techen
Cr1.5.12KD.5.12 And wyth a Cros afore þe King comsed thus to techen
W.5.12KD.5.12 And wiþ a cros afore þe kyng . comsede þus to techen
C.5.12KD.5.12 And with a cros bifore þe kyng comsed thus to techen
G.6.12KD.5.12 an and wyth a cros a-fore the kyng comsed þus to teychen
O.5.12KD.5.12And aO.5.12: OC2 alone have a; all other beta witnesses have wiþ a. crosse a-fore þe kyng comsede þus to teche
R.5.12KD.5.12 And with a crosse by-for þe kyng
cumsede þus to techen .