L.5.137KD.5.136 And nyuelynge with þe nose · and his nekke L.5.137: The word nekke is added later by the original scribe in a blank he left, one not entirely filled. hangyngeL.5.137-138: Water damage has affected the left side of this line group and the final line on the page.
M.5.137KD.5.136And neuelinge with þe nose . and þeM.5.137: The reading þe is shared with G. All other B manuscripts read his. nekke hangynge
Cr1.5.135KD.5.136 And muelynge wyth the nose and his necke hanging
C.5.137KD.5.136 And s?neuelyng with his nose and his nekke hyngyng
F.5.136KD.5.136Al revelynge[n]evelynge with his nose / & his nekke hangynge.