L.5.143KD.5.142 And now is fallen þer-of a frute · þat folke han wel leuere
M.5.143KD.5.142And now is fallen þereof a fruite . þat folke han wel leuere
Cr1.5.141KD.5.142 And now is fallen therof a frut , þat folke han wel leuer
C.5.143KD.5.142 And now is fallen þer-of a fruyt · þat folk han leuere
G.6.143KD.5.142 and now ys fall there a frrvyte þat folke handG.6.143: A loop and tail have been added to the <n> of original han in brown ink, probably by hand1.1 (giving had). Compare the resultant <d> with the <d> written by the scribe as part of his original transcription at the end of the first
line on f.17v and with the <d> added by hand1.1 (i.e. the same scribe, making later corrections) at G.6.89. well leyuvere
R.5.143KD.5.142 And now is falle þere-offe a fruyt
þat folk haue wel leuere .
F.5.142KD.5.142& now ys fallyn swich frut þerof / þat folk have wel levere.