Cr1.5.237KD.5.234.1 Than for al that , that thou hast here shewed .
C.5.239KD.5.234.1 thanne for al þat thow haste · here now yshewed
G.6.239KD.5.234.1 then for all þat þouat þouG.6.239: Cr23 Hm C C2 Y B share G's original reading (þat þou). Most remaining manuscripts share G's corrected reading (þat þat þou). hast here shewed afore /
O.5.238KD.5.234.1Þan for al þat þow hast heer now schewidO.5.238: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure
to alliterate.