M.5.322KD.5.309TyommeM.5.322: The name varies widely in the manuscripts. FGC2 have Tomme, WLO have Tymme. þe tynkere and tweine of his prentis
Cr1.5.318KD.5.309 Tyme the tynker and tweine of hys prentices
C.5.323KD.5.309 Symme þe tynker and tweyne of hise prentices
R.5.324KD.5.309 SymmeR.5.324: R's non-alliterating Symme is shared with
HmYCBoCot among the B manuscripts but also agrees, oddly, with the
reading found in A manuscripts TRaDH2H and with the
reading of C manuscript P2. Presumably the cause of
these overlapping errors is the mutual resemblance of the relevant capitals. þe
tynkere and tweyne of his prentys .