Readings for line KD.5.31

Þat hire hed was worth halue a marke · his hode nouȝte worth a grote
Þat hire hed was worth half aM.5.31: M's original reading without a agrees with WHmOBRF. markeandM.5.31: The and which was added was later deleted. Its absence here agrees with GYOC2CLR. his ho..od nouȝt worth a grote .
That her hed was worth half a marke & his hod not worth a grot
For hire heed was worþ half marc . & his hood noȝt worþ a groteW.5.31: worþ a grote is in a darker ink though in the scribal hand, and perhaps written later.
for here heed was wurth halfe marke · and his ...?...hood nat agrotea grote
Þat hir hed was worþ half a mark · his hed nouȝt worþ a grote
hyr heyd was worth halffe a mare / hys hoode not a grote
Þat hir hed was worþ half mark  his hood not worþ a grote
Þat hire hed was worth half marke  his hode nauȝt a groteR.5.31: HmGCotH join R in omitting worth from the final phrase of this line (witnessed by F and most beta copies as nouȝte worth a grote. The majority of A witnesses agrees with this B majority in attesting the word, but RaUChJEK agree with Rawlinson 38 in omitting it. So do all but two of the C witnesses. .
Þat hire heed was worþ half Mark / & his hood not worþ a groote.