L.5.353KD.5.342 And blew his rounde ruwet · at his rigge-bonL.5.353: LC alone have the s-less genitive. ende
Cr1.5.349KD.5.342 And blew his round rewet at his rugge bones ende
Hm.5.350KD.5.342 and blewhe his rounde ruet · atte his reggebonys ende · Hm.5.350: After Hm.5.349, the scribe has written an entire line out of order (KD5.342), which he will repeat in its proper
place four lines below at Hm.5.354. The lines differ in spelling, and in its second appearance, Hm's line uniquely omits
rounde before ruet, which the misplaced line at Hm.5.350 does not do. Therefore, the version of the misplaced line is closer to the B archetype. The error in Hm must come from dittography since Hm.5.349 and Hm.5.353 end with while. It is surprising that the scribe corrected his sequence, but did not strike out the extra line.
C.5.355KD.5.342 And blew his rounde rewett · at his rigges boun ende
He is a unique variant; the other B manuscripts read
And. However, R's reading is also that of four A
manuscripts and of the X family of the C version. Both Kane-Donaldson
and Schmidt prefer the F/beta reading, presumably on stylistic grounds since And avoids a syntactic repetition (the previous line begins with He) that modern tastes find clumsy. blew his round rowet at his rigges
bonesR.5.355: Most manuscripts have the compound riggebone, but both rigges and bones are genitives. Manuscript C has the same
reading. ende .