Cr1.5.378KD.5.371 And ouer se me at my soupe , and sometyme at nones
C.5.384KD.5.371 ¶ And ouerseye me atte soper · and som-tyme at nones
G.6.380KD.5.371 & ouversaye me at my soper & some-tyme att onesG.6.380: There is a brown smudge over G ones and it may have been altered to once as part of the scribe's later programme of spelling corrections. The ascender of the original sigma <s> is not very clear
and may have been partially erased.
O.5.384KD.5.371And ouersey me atO.5.384: OC2CotF alone lack an article, demonstrative, or possessive pronoun before soper; most B manuscripts have my. soper & sum-tyme at nones
¶ And ouer-seye me at my
soper and sum-tymesR.5.384:
R's -s form here is unique. The other B copies show
some-tyme, a reading shared with C. at nones .