Cr1.5.392KD.5.385 Than came Sloth al beslabered with two slymy eyne
W.5.394KD.5.385 W.5.394: The scribe wrote Accidia inside a red box in the left margin. ¶ Thanne cam Sleuþe al bislabered . wiþ two slymy eiȝen
C.5.398KD.5.385 ¶ Thane cam sleuthe al bislabired · with two slymy eighen
¶ Þanne come sleuthe al by-slobred
with to slymedR.5.398:
Beta reads slymy. A significant majority of C
witnesses (XIP2PRcVcAcQScKcGc) agrees with the alpha reading.
eyȝes .
F.5.394KD.5.385F.5.394: A space is left for an ornamental capital <T>. Hanne[T]hanne com Slewthe be-slotered / with two slymed eyȝes.