M.5.586KD.5.565Othere-wise þanne — þow woldest . he wrouȝte to þiney—-seluen
Cr1.5.580KD.5.565 Otherwise than thou woldest he wroght to thy-selfe .
C.5.581KD.5.565 Oþer-wise þan þou woldest · he wrouȝte to þy-selue
O.5.588KD.5.565Oþer-wise þan þou woldest he wrouȝte to þe-selueþ[i]-selue
R.5.586KD.5.565 Otherwise þan þow woldest he wrouȝte to þi-selue .R.5.586: In the right margin, beginning here and
written vertically up the page to R5.580, there is a signature which has been erased. It
appears to be the same hand as on fol. 94r. Still discernible are traces of an initial and a
surname in full.