Cr1.5.583KD.5.567α Honora patrem et matrem & cetera .
C.5.584KD.5.567α Honora patrem & matrem & cetera.
G.6.587KD.5.567α honora patrem et matremG.6.587: A virgule has been added at this point to separate matrem and et. It does not appear to have been intended as a punctuation or metrical mark. et cetera //
O.5.591KD.5.567αhonora prtremp[a]trem & matrem & ceteraO.5.591: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after patrem, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
Honora patrem et matremR.5.589: R's Latin tag omits a final &c found in beta (also,
cf. F's unique added phrase ut sis longeuus
super terram). Most C witnesses agree on this point with beta.
F.5.579KD.5.567αHonora patrem & matrem . ut sis longeuus super terram.F.5.579: F uniquely completes the Latin verse after matrem.