M.5.605KD.5.583Þanne shul ȝye se swereM.5.605: The erased supralinear swere is legible with ultraviolet light. There are no parallels in other B manuscripts. sey soth so it be to done
Cr1.5.599KD.5.583 Than shal ye see Seysoth so it be to done
C.5.600KD.5.583 ¶ Thane shul þye see say soth · so it be to doone
G.6.603KD.5.583 then shall þou se / say sothe /G.6.603: For the use of use of virgules or brackets for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. so ytt be to done done well
O.5.607KD.5.583Þanne schul ȝe se . seye soþ so it be doO.5.607: OC2 alone have do in place of to. done
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