L.5.642KD.5.620 Þat one hatL.5.642: The <h> is written over in the darker ink of the later correcting scribe. abstenence · and humilite an-other
M.5.643KD.5.620Þat on h..yȝte abstinence . and humilite þatM.5.643: M's reading þat is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read an. oþur
Cr1.5.637KD.5.620 That one of hem hight Abstinence , Humilitie an other
C.5.638KD.5.620 Þat oon hat abstinence · and humilite an-oþer
G.6.641KD.5.620 the on hett / abstynece / & huvmylyte /G.6.641: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. a-nother
R.5.643KD.5.620 Þat on hatte abstinence and vmbleteR.5.643:
R's form here is obviously synonymous with the F/beta humilite (which is
also the lection found in Ax). However, R's form is treated by
MED and OED2, s. v.
humblete, not as a spelling variant but as a different, rarer noun,
derived from humble by suffixing. MED cites examples from
manuscripts of Chaucer's Physician's Tale, Parson's Tale, and
the Tale of Melibee. The P family of the C version agrees
with the prevalent F/beta reading, but the X family shows the same rare form as R, suggesting
that it may well have been the reading in both Bx and Cx. an-other .