L.6.15KD.6.15 Þe nedy and þe naked · nymmeth hede how hijL.6.15: LM alone have the hij form at this point; most other B manuscripts have some form of þei. liggeth
M.6.15KD.6.15Þe nedy and þe nakud nymeth hiede how hij liggeth .
Cr1.6.15KD.6.15 The nedy and the naked , nimeth hede how they liggen
C.6.13KD.6.15 Þe nedy and þe naked · t?akes hede how þey ligge
. nota .O.6.15: The word nota is accompanied by a flourish at the bottom.
O.6.15KD.6.15Þe nedy & þe nadkyd nymeO.6.15: O alone has the form nyme; most B manuscripts have nymeþ. heed . how þei liggen
R.6.15KD.6.15 Þe nedy and þe naked nemeth hede how aR.6.15:
a, "they." lyggeth .