L.6.157KD.6.154 A Brytonere a braggere · abosteda bostedL.6.157: he, "he." pieres als
Cr1.6.157KD.6.154 A Bretoner , a bragger , a bosted Pierce also
W.6.157KD.6.154 A Bretoner a braggere . abosteda bostedW.6.157: a, "he." Piers als
C.6.155KD.6.154 A Britoner a bragger a bosted piers als
G.7.157KD.6.154 a brettonerG.7.157: There is a brown ink stain over the <tt> of brettoner. / a bragger /G.7.157: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. he bostedG.7.157:
G's he bosted is not necessarily a variant reading; the reading found in most manuscripts (i.e. abostede) represents the only instance of the verb aboast recorded by the OED and the a- may well be just a form of "he." pyers alsce
¶¶ A bretonere a braggere
abosteda bostedR.6.156:
A, "he." peres alse .
F.5.808KD.6.154& with hym cam a braggere / & aF.5.808: a, "he." boostide Pers also.