L.6.178KD.6.175 And wronge hym so bi þe wombe · þat bothe his eyen wattered
# quod Fames venit ad puniendum vastum
M.6.178KD.6.175And wronge hym so bi þe wombe þat bothe his eiȝhen wat....rede
Cr1.6.178KD.6.175 And wrong him so bi the wombe , þat his eies watred ,
C.6.176KD.6.175 And wronge hym so by þe wombe · þat baþe hise eighen wattred
O.6.179KD.6.175And wronge hym so bi þe wombe þat boþe hise yen wattredenO.6.179: O alone has boþe hise yen wattreden; most B manuscripts have boþe hise eiȝen watrede.
R.6.177KD.6.175 And wronge hym so by þe wombe þat al watred his eyȝes .R.6.177: R's b-verse is unique; F and beta agree in reading þat bothe
his eyen wattered. However, R's b-verse agrees exactly with the same phrase in both Ax and Cx; it is, therefore, presumably the original
reading in B.